This LO is one I did of my daughter's ultrasound pictures for a DT project at
Lasting Legacy. We waited until birth to find out what we were having with both children. Hope you enjoy!

Hidden journaling reads:
Followed by our response to the question, "Is it a boy or a girl?" Always comes the question, "What do you want?" Typically, the P.C. answer of 'a healthy baby' is how I respond without even thinking. Much like your big brother though that really is how I feel. However, there is a part of me that is hoping for a girly girl princess. Daddy would like a little girl as well....not to mention all of your grandparents.
Before your brother was born, I just had a strong feeling he would be a boy. With you I have a different feeling. I really think you are a girl, but we don't have to tell anyone that. My feeling is probably the reason I'm stressing over picking the 'perfect' girl's name. Regardless of if you are a boy or a girl daddy and I will love you just the same.
April 08
Products used: Cardstock, big brads (bazzill), Pattern paper, felt flowers, wooden flowers (Kaiser Craft), Glimmer Mist, Acrylic Paint